
Sunday, May 13, 2007

Dancing With Dragons by D.J. Conway

Wicca 101--now with Dragons!!!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

This is what I sat out and read on the sunny porch yesterday afternoon...

Not in Kansas Anymore by Christine Wicker

Otherkin, Hoodoo, Wicca--and a trainwreck.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Yes, I've been reading a lot lately. Here's my latest review:

The Wiccan Mystic by Ben Gruagach

Tired of Wicca 101? Want to see some Wicca 201? Check this one out!

Monday, May 07, 2007

Review of Spirit Stones by Growling Bear

Taking a look at a "Native American" animal totem divination system

Sunday, May 06, 2007

When I first started my book review blog I had intended to limit it only to nonfiction, though I enjoy fiction now and then. However, when I reviewed The Old Power Returns by Morven Westfield I decided I may as well throw my fiction reviews up here, too. Some of the books, such as M.R. Sellars’ works, are pretty openly pagan in feel. Others, like Storm Constantine’s works, have occult themes but aren’t specifically pagan in nature. And yes, I will keep reviewing nonfiction! So here's what I posted recently:

M.R. Sellars

Harm None
Never Burn a Witch
Perfect Trust
Crone's Moon
Love is the Bond

Storm Constantine

Wraeththu (the first trilogy
The Wraiths of Will and Pleasure (2nd trilogy, 1st book)
The Shades of Time and Memory (2nd trilogy, 2nd book)
The Ghosts of Blood and Innocence (2nd trilogy, 3rd book)

Meredith Ann Pierce

The Firebringer Trilogy

When I first started my book review blog I had intended to limit it only to nonfiction, though I enjoy fiction now and then. However, when I reviewed The Old Power Returns by Morven Westfield I decided I may as well throw my fiction reviews up here, too. Some of the books, such as M.R. Sellars’ works, are pretty openly pagan in feel. Others, like Storm Constantine’s works, have occult themes but aren’t specifically pagan in nature. And yes, I will keep reviewing nonfiction! So here's what I posted recently:

M.R. Sellars

Harm None
Never Burn a Witch
Perfect Trust
Crone's Moon
Love is the Bond

Storm Constantine

Wraeththu (the first trilogy
The Wraiths of Will and Pleasure (2nd trilogy, 1st book)
The Shades of Time and Memory (2nd trilogy, 2nd book)
The Ghosts of Blood and Innocence (2nd trilogy, 3rd book)

Meredith Ann Pierce

The Firebringer Trilogy